AMCA was founded based on the Declaration of Malang, on 15th June 2012 at University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia. Charter declaration was signed by the 13 representatives from four different countries of Southeast Asia, namely: Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Cambodia. AMCA will continue to be developed; its members cover all the member states of ASEAN.

1. Dr. Latipun, M. Kes. (Indonesia)
2. Prof. Dr. Tobroni, M. Si. (Indonesia)
3. Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si. (Indonesia)
4. Prof. Dr. Ishomuddin, M. Si. (Indonesia)
5. Dr. Akhsanul In’am (Indonesia)
6. Dr. Widayat, M.M. (Indonesia)
7. Abdul Hafiz Hile, M. Ed. (Thailand)
8. Hj. Muhammad Alawi B. Hj. Abdul Khani, MA (Thailand)
9. Usamarn Madami, MA (Thailand)
10. Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Zain Musa (Cambodia)
11. Mohd Amin Bin Kadir (Singapore)
12. Scanif Bin Mokhtar (Singapore)
13. Nek Mah Bte Batri (Singapore)

Based on the results of the first convention held in Yala, Thailand, the committee of AMCA period 2015-2018 is as follows:

General Secretary : Dr. Latipun (Indonesia)
Vice Secretary : Dr. Usman Madami (Thailand)
State Coordinators    
Brunei Darussalam    
Cambodia : Prof. Madya. Dr. Muhammad Zain Musa  
Indonesia : Dr. Achsanul In’am (Indonesia)
Laos : –  
Malaysia : Dr. Zain Mubarok (Malaysia)
Myanmar : –  
Philippines : Nhelbourne K. Mohammad, M.Ed. (Philippines)
Singapore : M. Amin Kadir, M. Ag. (Singapore)
Thailand : Dr. Hafidz Hiley, M.Ed. (Thailand)
Timor Leste (Persiapan) : Thomas Fionto, S. Sos. (Timor Leste)
Vietnam : Abas Myeu (Vietnam)

Educational Affairs

  1. Ahmad, M. Pd.                 (Indonesia)
  2. Ni’mah Bitrie, M. Ag.      (Singapore)
  3. Dr. Teng Alim                   (Philippines)
  4. Dr. Mujahid                       (Thailand)

Social and Cultural Affairs

  1. Prof. Dr. Tobroni              (Indonesia)
  2. Dr. Komaruddin               (Thailand)
  3. Scanif Muctar, M. Ag.      (Singapore)

Economic Affairs

  1. Prof. Dr. Tobroni               (Indonesia)
  2. Dr. Komaruddin                (Thailand)
  3. Scanif Muctar, M. Ag.       (Singapore)
  4. Nurul Amin, M. Ag.           (Indonesia)
  5. Dr. Abdul Ayee Samang    (Thailand)

Coordinator of every country as well as the chairperson of AMCA for their respective countries will give the authority, completing the management of his/her own respective country in accordance with the circumstances of every country.