Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA) is a forum which is created for closer relationship among the Muslim community in ASEAN region. This forum is the elaboration and implementation of the government’s plans in ASEAN countries to embody the ASEAN as a community started in 2015 and as the motto:
“One Vision, One Identity, and One Community.”
AMCA was founded based on the following reasons:
- Mindful of the existence of mutual interests and common problems among the Muslim community in ASEAN of the need to strengthen further the existing bonds of regional solidarity and cooperation.
- Desiring to establish a firm foundation for common action to promote regional cooperation of the Muslim community in ASEAN in the spirit of equality and partnership and thereby to contribute toward peace, progress and prosperity in the region.
- Conscious that in an increasingly independent world, the cherished ideals of peace, freedom, social justice and economic well-being is best attained by fostering good understanding, good neighborliness and meaningful cooperation among the Muslim community of the region already bound by history and culture.
- Considering that the Muslim community in ASEAN is a large community, sharing primary responsibility on strengthening cooperation in all aspect of life to ensure peaceful and progressive regional development.